
In order to use the SiteMail Sync utility, you must have Outlook 2000, 2002 (XP), 2003 or 2007 running on Windows OS.

NOTE: Please note that it does NOT support the Microsoft Exchange Server environment or Outlook Express.

If, after having followed the instructions, you find that the Sync utility does not function as it should, then we suggest the following in progressive order:

  1. Verify that your version of Outlook is up-to-date. Try the Sync utility now. If it still fails, then proceed to next step.

  2. If you haven't already, try installing the latest Windows Service Pack. Try the Utility now (you may need to reboot first.) If it still fails, then proceed to next step.

  3. If it still doesn't work and you are using an anti-virus application and/or a firewall, then try temporarily disabling it. Try the Sync utility now. If it still fails, then proceed to next step.

  4. Verify that you have a legally licensed copy of Outlook and/or Windows. If it still fails, then proceed to next step.

  5. Contact our Support Team and provide the following information:

    1. Any error message.

    2. Your OS version and latest patch installed.

    3. Your Outlook version.

    4. Any local environment setup factors such as type of firewall, network, anti-virus application, etc.